We accept most major credit and debit cards.
European customers
Your card needs to be connected to the bank's 3D-Secure authentication system – please enable this with your bank before subscribing/ordering.
USA/Rest of the world
Since we’re a Swedish company cards may need to be enabled for international transactions. Please check with the card issuer that your card is setup for international transactions before subscribing/ordering.
Some pre-paid debit cards and corporate cards are not accepted for Reason+ subscriptions – in which case please use a standard credit/debit card or PayPal.
Common sources of declined cards
- Invalid card number
- Invalid CVC (final three digits of the number printed on the reverse of your card)
- Failed 3D secure verification
- Expired card
- Insufficient funds
- Over credit limit
- Security (card not pre-approved for international payments by bank)
- Restricted card (pre-paid debit card, gift card, corporate card or other)
If your payment still fails, please first contact your bank/card issuer. If the problem persists, please try PayPal.
If you continue to encounter problems paying, please contact our customer support team.
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