If you wish to open song files you’ve created while using a Reason+ subscription, in a version of Reason that you own a licence for, please be aware of the following points:
If you’ve saved Reason song files while subscribing to Reason+ then you’ll need to be using the same version of Reason (or later) to open those song files. For example, if you’ve been using Reason 13 as a Reason+ subscriber, then any song files you’ve saved in Reason 13 cannot be opened in Reason 12 or earlier.
If you are using an earlier version of Reason than the current Reason+ version (or are using Reason Adapted/Limited/Lite/Intro/Essentials), please be sure to make backups of important song files first so that they can subsequently be re-opened in your owned version of Reason, should you cancel your Reason+ subscription.
In many cases, the full Reason+ Rack Extension content will no longer be available to you so you may receive missing device alerts. To resolve this, either purchase the missing devices in the Reason Studios Add-on Shop or re-subscribe to Reason+.
- Any Reason+ Sound Packs that you have previously downloaded will remain on your computer and will still be available for you yo use, but you will not be able to download future Sound Packs.
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