We're very happy to announce the release of Reason 12, with Reason 12 Rack Plugin. Reason 12 is available for both Reason+ subscribers or to buy.
Here's what's new:
Mimic Creative Sampler
The Mimic Creative Sampler is a powerful yet very straight-forward sampler, tailor-made for quick and easy triggering, chopping and manipulation of samples. It features eight sample slots, where each slot can hold one sample. Each slot also has its own complete synth parameters setup, with pitch controls, filter, envelopes, LFO and effects.
You could either load a sample from your computer or sample straight into Mimic (Reason stand-alone only). You can then select various sample playback modes and high-quality stretch algorithms to manipulate and process the audio. You could also use Mimic as a traditional sampler and just play back samples in a regular “tape-style” fashion. The latest version of Mimic also features built-in Root Note pitch detection.
Check out the Mimic video tutorial here!
The updated Combinator
Reason 12 features the heavily updated Combinator device, which lets you create and configure your own instruments and effects! Design your own custom panels and freely assign controls to any parameters of the included devices.
Choose what types of controls - and how many of each - you want to have on the Combinator front panel. You can also select the height of the Combinator panel (1U to 6U) and add your custom high-resolution back-drop image to use as background on your Combinator panel.
Hi-resolution graphics and scalable user interface
All devices and most of the 3rd party Rack Extensions have been updated with hi-resolution graphics. You can also choose a suitable zoom factor for the Reason and Reason Rack Plugin applications:
Fast Search in the Reason Browser
The new fast search function in the Reason Browser searches and displays the result in real-time, as you type in and expand your search words. The result is instantly displayed in separate sections, depending on file/folder type, making it a lot easier to find what you are looking for.
Updated ReGroove Mixer graphics
The ReGroove Mixer (Reason stand-alone only) now has updated graphics, to better fit in with the rest of the Reason graphics.
New features and functions
The latest Rack Extension versions now use hi-resolution graphics and all future ones are automatically built as hi-res.
The Factory Sound Bank has been updated:
100 new Combinator patches added
1000 Combinator patches has been updated to take advantage of the new Combinator features
100 new instrument patches added
- The updated Insert FX section in the channel strip (Reason stand-alone only) now lets you use multiple Effect Combinators in series:
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