Here is some important information regarding Reason song file compatibility. It's especially important if you are going to trial Reason+, which always features the latest Reason version:
- Any song created in an earlier version of Reason (or in Reason Adapted/Limited/Lite/Intro/Essentials or Record) can be opened in a later Reason version. For example, a song created in Reason 10 can also be opened in Reason 11, 12 and 13.
- However, songs saved in a later Reason version cannot be opened in earlier Reason versions. For example, a song saved in Reason 13 cannot be opened in Reason 12, or in any earlier Reason versions.
- Also note that songs created in a DAW using Reason 13 Rack Plugin cannot be opened in the same DAW using Reason 12 Rack Plugin or earlier.
- Be sure to make backups of important song files first so that they can subsequently be re-opened in your earlier Reason version, should you cancel your Reason+ subscription/trial.
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