MIDI IN only available on channel 1



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    Reason Compact receives MIDI on all channels. Have you been able isolate this problem any further? Do you have a MIDI keyboard to try with, for example?

    Any other users that experience the same thing? Feel free to let us know!

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    Hello John, thanks for your reply. For example, if you connect Reason Compact on a midi channel in Auria Pro, you can't play Reason with any channel but channel 1. The others just don't work. I tried putting it inside AUM and then configure it to let's say channel 3, then connect it through audiobus to Auria. Still no way to play it unless it's set on channel 1. 


    Could it be possible to add a channel selector just like you have in Thor? Thanks. 

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    Dmitry Dyadin

    Channel selector will be perfect!
    I use Arturia Beatstep Pro and each sequencer has different channels (1,2,10) .
    I want to be able to choose what channel should be listened in Reason Compact. In my case - only channel 2.

    Could it be possible to add midi channel selector?

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